If you search the internet for marketing strategies and ideas you are bound to come across plenty.
In fact it’s probably never been easier to find such great content to help you attract more customers so you can grow your business.
With that being said, even though there is all this great material out there, it’s not unusual to keep coming across the same ideas and suggestions.
Are there any new and creative marketing strategies and ideas out there?
At clientflare we want to do our part and contribute and we also want to make it easier to find what we hope are the hard to come across ideas and strategies that can really give you an edge.
We came up with five marketing strategies that we think are new and different that we hope will help you grow your business.
- Marketing strategy for a print shop: If you own or run a print shop you can print designs or cool stuff on wall paper that you can give away for free.You can even ask people to bring in their own wall paper, or get blank ones made and run a contest or promotion where people bring them in and you print personal stuff for them.You can bill it as a way people can personalize their home, office, or wherever.
Special bonus tip: since most of your customers might be in different business ventures, such as restaurants, why not be of value to them. For example when a restaurant customer comes in to have flyers made, offer them free printed numbers and dollar signs.
Tell them these items will be on the house, and that they can use them anytime in the future they want to change something on their menu but don’t want to replace parts of their signs, or the whole thing.
This will save them money and also develop their relationship with you.
- Marketing strategy for a wallpaper company: Let’s flip the strategy from above and apply it to a different type of business.If a company makes wallpaper, you can try setting up a way for people to order custom print jobs. Maybe you can even make preset designs customers can use for places like kitchen cabinets. For example you can have wallpaper that display phrases about healthy eating such as ‘no sugar’ and ‘protein power’.This can also be a way for people to organize their cabinets. You can advertise this as being simultaneously organized and healthy.
You can take this one step further by reaching out to other businesses or blogs that are outside your field, such as blogs about health, housing, and being organized.
This can allow you to reach more people and gain more awareness.
- Marketing strategy for a rent-a-car company: If you have a rent-a-car company, particularly a small one, you can reach out to other businesses in the area and let them know on a particular day or week (up to you) you will be providing free rides.Inform them they can take advantage of this offer if they have any errands to run on a first come first serve basis. You can pick a time that is normally slow for you so you can have one or two employees out of the office providing this service.You can get some PR out of this as well. Especially if you advertise it as helping small business or nonprofits or any sector that paints you in a favorable light.
In the end hopefully you get a lot of exposure and new customers to learn about you.
- Marketing strategy for a tire shop: If you have a tire shop one creative thing you can do is run a contest to give away free shoes.Why shoes? Two words, wear and tear.Your customers come to you because chances are the threads on their tires have worn down. Of course, driving around on tires with worn down threads is unsafe. You know what else is not good when they begin to wear down? The soles of your shoes.
Running shoes for example have a certain mileage amount that you shouldn’t probably pass without replacing the shoes.
With that being said, since your customers realize the importance of replacing their tires once they have worn down, you let them know you also realize it’s important for their joints and well-being to perhaps replace their shoes as well.
It’s up to you how long you want to run the contest, or how many shoes you want to give away, the important thing is you make sure your customers make the connection you want them to make.
Once again try to get some coverage out of this by alerting news outlets and related blogs such as those that concern health and exercise.
- Marketing strategy for a restaurant: If you own or run a restaurant, especially one where there is any sort of foot traffic outside, you can take advantage of this in a light-hearted way.You can get a hold of one of those fun-house mirrors that make people look skinny or thin. Place it in front of the restaurant and place a sign next to it.When people walk by they probably can’t help but notice the mirror which is the first step in getting their attention. The next step is the sign you place next to the mirror.
On the sign you can write something light-hearted such ‘feeling a little hungry?’, and then you can follow that with an offer to get them to come inside. For example you write ‘come inside and get a half of sandwich on us’, or something similarly enticing to get passersby to stop and come inside.
The strategies above hold many different benefits for your business.
They help you get more exposure, excite your customers, and allow you to make connections with different businesses and sectors.
They are hopefully new to you and inspire you to try to get creative about getting new customers and growing your business.
We want to know if there are any other marketing strategies that you know of which are perhaps uncommon. Let us know so we can all continue to push further with our marketing.
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